Winning Lost Souls
I'm getting ready to come home soon, which means speaking opportunities to share about Delight in the Lord Ministries and what God has done with His ministry!
I am prepared to have to answer this question at least once while sharing..."How many people did you win for the Lord?" or "Are you winning the lost?" Those are difficult questions for me, and I bet for many missionaries and others in ministry, as well.
Daily, I read "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. Chambers' writings have really been such an inspiring daily devotional for me. I encourage you to go and buy this book, the student edition of course, because most things he wrote in the regular edition went over my head!! :) I believe it will strengthen your relationship and walk with the Lord if you will read these daily.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is from August 30th. "All that our Lord gives his attention to in a persons life is that persons relationship with God- something of great value to his father." Last year, while speaking, I shared about how God continues to make it real to me that my life's purpose is about being in relationship with Him. That's why He made me, to be one with the Lord through Jesus's death on the cross and resurrection. That gives me so much peace knowing that God is fulfilling His purpose in me without me having x amount of people that I need to win for Him.
Another one of my most loved quotes is from September 23rd. "The goal of the missionary is to do God's will, not to be useful or win the lost. A missionary is useful and does win the lost, but that is not his goal. His goal is to do the will of his Lord."
That is so true! You can't tell people's hearts, whether they have truly believed or not. Getting people to accept the Lord is not the stopping place. This is shown in Paul's letters to the Corinthians and all his other letters to the churches, as well. He didn't stop whenever they first believed. He encouraged them to keep growing in the truth and their relationship with Jesus.
Even if the people I encounter on a daily basis are already Christians, that is fine with me. Because my purpose is growing closer to the Lord and obeying Him, and through me, a willing vessel, He will accomplish His purposes of allowing others to grow closer to Himself as well.
So, how many people have I won for the Lord?? I honestly don't know, and to not know is actually a blessing. It helps me not to focus on my usefulness but on God's awesomeness to work in and through His children.
Auntie Cici