DLM Newsletter April 2023
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Today, Brian and I, along with several moms, traveled the 3 hour journey to visit the other senior 1 sponsor kids on their visitation day. It is always a lovely day to see the kids. A couple of them know exactly how many days remain before it is time to return home for their holiday break.... 3 weeks and 4 days! We thank God for sponsors who make it possible for these kids to study! Glory to God for His blessings!
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Happy Palm Sunday!
After experiencing a time of sickness, Fab has recovered and is doing great. He went to church with me and Mama Fab (his mother) today! Bible study is always a great time with the kids. We talked about Palm Sunday and began looking at a timeline of what Jesus did during Holy Week. We will meet again on Good Friday to continue studying and reading God’s Word and His truth! Glory to Him!
Thursday, April 6, 2023
We experienced another visit to the land today. It's always super fun to see the progress! All the skimming for the interior walls has been complete. The water tank stand has its highest level but is not yet finished. The kitchen cabinets are finished aside from painting them. The wall barrier to keep water from rushing to the house is also coming together. It was all so exciting to see! The team members will have off this weekend to celebrate Easter with their families. They will resume work on Tuesday, and the carpenter will begin building the built-in cabinets in the wardrobes. We thank God for the continued traveling mercies to the land, and we also thank Him for all His many blessings! Thank you all for following along with the house journey! Glory to God alone!
Friday, April 7, 2023
Today, some of the secondary boarding children were able to come home for the Easter holiday. The children were picked up and brought to Kabowa to their homes. They look nice in their school uniforms! It’s always great to see my kids.
Mama Fab and I had Bible study with six of the primary 7 students from about 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. We spent most of the time reading scripture. We went back and forth in the gospels going through the events of Holy week up to Good Friday. I love reading the different accounts with the different perspectives knowing that “all scripture is breathed out by God”. 2 Timothy 3:16
To God be the Glory!
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Another blessed day of Bible study with these 6 kiddos and Mama Fab!
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Happy Resurrection Day!
Mama Fab and I, along with two Bible study kids, went to church this morning. After church, our Bible study time was short so the kids could get back home to their families. We read together all four gospel accounts of the Resurrection and prayed together. Finally, Mama Fab cooked a Ugandan meal for us and some of the kids. Glory to God for another day of life and His blessings!
Monday, April 10, 2023
In Uganda, Easter Monday is a public holiday where schools and many businesses are closed. They celebrate the day after Jesus rose from the dead. So I was able to meet with my small group of kids for Bible study again. The fourth day in a row! So awesome to meet with them daily. I miss being with them and reading God’s Word together when I only have the chance to meet with them once a week. We looked at a handful of prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus as seen in the Gospels. We also read Acts 1:1-11 focusing on the appearances Jesus made after His resurrection and His ascension. The kids and Mama Fab were reading Acts 1:3 in this video. “During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.”
Glory to God for our time together searching the Scriptures to learn more about Him!
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Today at the ministry home, we were able to see the framing of the wooden wardrobes for the bedrooms. Also, the retainer wall is continuing to show progress. The workers are filling in these wire racks with concrete to make covers for the various manholes on the property. Glory to God!
Sunday, April 16, 2023
As I was about to drive out of my compound this morning for church, I heard a strange sound from the car. I decided not to drive it, so I unfortunately missed fellowship on this Lord’s day at my church. I am thankful for the live stream and recording so I was able to go back and listen to the sermon. We just started the book of Leviticus going verse by verse.
I meet at the school after church for Bible study. The school isn’t quite as far as the church from my home, so I decided to take a boda boda (motorcycle) to the school.
In Bible study today, we talked about theology proper, studying the attributes of God. Today’s attribute was “God IS”. When we say this, we mean that God is self-existing and depends on nothing. Our memory verse for this week is John 1:1-3. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” NASB 1995
I’m thankful for the resources from Little Pilgrims Theology!
Glory to God Alone!!
Thursday, April 20, 2023
We rescued a little kitten from our neighbor's roof today after we had been watching it for about 3 weeks. It appeared the mother had just recently left it. His name is Zambia... Zambi for short! If you don't know, we already have three cats named America, Uganda, and Tanzania "Tanzi"!! The second to last picture shows the other three cats. America and Uganda are both 7 years old. Tanzi is 1.5 years old. Zambi is about 6 weeks old. Of course, my German Shepherd's name is Shadow Lynn, and she is also 7 years old.