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DLM Newsletter June 2024

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The primary 7 students and other boarding kids at Jeholand School in Kabowa joined together for Bible Study.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

This morning, I met Mama Fab at the mall in Kampala for a breakfast meeting to discuss DLM business. Mama Fab even wore her DLM t-shirt to our business meeting. Then, we went for Bible study at Jeholand School in Kabowa.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Sharuwah, one of our sponsored students, will be taking a year off before starting secondary school next year. Sharuwah and Favor will stay with me from time to time throughout the year. When she is here, she helps with housekeeping chores, learns some money management skills, works on the Senior 1 math curriculum online, completes typing lessons online and spends valuable time with Favor. Favor and I share time together in the mornings.....dancing and singing to Christian kid songs, playing with the ball or car, running and jumping, and sometimes tending to the garden. Favor speaks baby Luganda so I’m teaching her as many English words as possible. It’s not been easy having a 2 year old around, but it’s been a blessing, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to pour into Sharuwah and Favor while they are here with me. Glory to God!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lots of learning and fun is had here at the DLM ministry home with Favor and Sharuwah here. Favor likes to shade (color). She played in a bucket of water for “swim” time. Haha! She really enjoyed herself! We often work outside…..watering the garden or raking up the freshly cut grass. We recently picked some green beans from the garden! So exciting! Sharuwah, Favor and I go to the local borehole almost daily to see the community kids and to help pump the water for them. Lately, I’ve been helping a couple of the children with their homework. They will bring their books to the borehole so we can look at it together. I always was a teacher deep down inside! Haha. Brian and I visited a local government school this past week to see how DLM and I can help serve and get involved here in our village. It was such a nice time! The kids sang for us. I prayed for them and helped serve porridge to the little kids during their break time. I even taught a little math to the 5th grade class as they were waiting on their teacher. Haha! We thank God for all His blessings and look forward to all the ways He will allow us to be apart of His plan for saving His people!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

No stroller? No wagon? No problem! Wheelbarrow it is! Haha! Favor knows the Bible and where she leaves it. We read it and pray each morning! Glory to God!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Favor turned 2 years old today so we celebrated with cake. Yesterday, we celebrated by going into Kampala and eating at Endiro. We all enjoyed ourselves, especially Favor! We are blessed by the Lord and by everyone who supports DLM!! Yesterday afternoon, I had Bible study with the kids in Kabowa like I’ve been doing each week. We are reading in the book of Acts. We sang songs, and many have memorized all of the books of the Bible! Yay! I thank God for my time with them each week and pray for the Lord to work in their hearts!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Frames for the windows and doors were made the other week and delivered over the weekend. Today, the frames are being placed, and plastering has begun! It’s so exciting to see all the progress and to rejoice in how the Lord continues to provide! Glory to Him Alone! Thank you to everyone who has given specifically for the building program!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Sunday morning start was much earlier than usual as I needed to see a doctor for a wound on my knee. I left home at 5:15 am heading to Kampala. I reached the hospital at 7:00 am, and I left there at 9:45 am. Next, I quickly grabbed a breakfast of coffee and a waffle and zoomed through the supermarket to buy some groceries. Then, I went to pick up Mama Fab for church. After church, we went to Jeholand for Bible Study which lasted from 1:30 pm to 4:15 pm. We are continuing our reading in Acts! Glory to God for the time to study His Word with these kids!! My groceries that needed to be kept cold were delivered to the school around 5:00 pm, and I left the school as soon as they arrived. I reached home safely at 6:50 pm. I’m so blessed!


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