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DLM Newsletter January 2025

Monday, January 20, 2025

Mama and I arrived in Uganda on Thursday evening, January 16. We spent Friday unpacking and deep cleaning the house. We visited Mama Dora and the neighbor kids after Friday’s work. I don’t know who was happier to see the other! Most Ugandans know the world headline news, which includes the fires in California. Many sponsor kids have called to ask me if I was okay and that they were worried about me. Some even sent messages to check on me while I was in the US.

I always say that Bible study is my favorite outreach so we jumped right back into Saturday Bible study in the village. Arnold led it by asking them our catechism questions of basic Biblical truths. Praise be to God that they have memorized some of them, and one could even share the Gospel when we asked if anyone knew it. We explain the gospel/good news every time we meet because we know the gospel is the only thing that saves. Even believers need to be continually reminded of the good news of Jesus. We thank God for this opportunity!

Sunday, we left for Kampala at 6:30 am. Mama, Brian, Mama Fab, and I had breakfast together before going to church. I went to the doctor afterward for this crud that I’ve had for a couple of weeks now. I purchased some medication to take and already feel better. Then we went grocery shopping. We left Kampala around 4:15 pm and arrived home at 7 pm.

Today has been another day of deep cleaning!

Glory to God alone for His blessings that are so undeserved!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Today was Bible study in the village! Glory to God for our time together! The trek to Mama Dora's house where I host Bible study is a half of mile so I even get my walking in on these days.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Because of the financial blessings from monthly building partners and EOY giving for the building program, we can continue working on the administrative building. Today, we met with the construction team leader and the electrician to discuss the door placements and to identify the location of all electrical sockets and light switches. We are so thankful to God for the progression of this building program. Thus far in the building program, we have completed the teacher latrines, the kitchen/cafeteria, and the visitors’ building. We are currently working on the Administrative Building.

Our 2025 fundraising efforts will be focused on completing the Administrative Building and securing funds to begin the two classroom wings for Delight in the Lord Primary Boarding School.

Saturday, January 25, 2025 

Today was our 2025 Educational Sponsorship meeting with parents. I was thankful to have Mama here with me to help. She and Mama Fab led a session for secondary kids with Mama Fab interpreting for Mama. I’m also thankful for Brian and Mama Fab who are always faithful to DLM. Today, Brian interpreted three documents for me to explain the conditions of the Educational Sponsorship agreement. We all make a great team! I even gave jobs to several responsible students to help with organization and flow of the meeting.

Parent Meeting days are always quite stressful, but they are also very rewarding as we see the gratefulness of the parents. Some even bring gifts as an appreciation for the support of Delight in Lord Ministries. Some of the gifts today included a live chicken, matoke (like plantains), several bunches of small sweet bananas, a watermelon and freshly grown beans. We thank God for our educational sponsors who give this opportunity to these children to pursue an education. What a blessing you all are to me and these children!

The Gospel was shared with the parents, and we pray that God may work in the hearts of His people through the Truth! Glory to God forever!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The beans are ready again! Mama and I have enjoyed talking bout the many times we helped Grandma with her green beans and corn. Living out in the village allows me the opportunity to have a garden with a variety of vegetables. We hired a local to help with the beans that were planted on the 2-acre compound. They do things differently here. When the beans are dry and ready for harvest, they pull the entire plant out of the ground, lay them on a huge tarp, and beat them with a stick to separate the beans from the hulls. Then they have to separate the beans from all of the leaves and debris from the plants. We decided to pull the dried bean pods off the dried-up plants, and shell the beans like we do in America. I think this is faster than the Ugandan way. Mama and I shelled 4 sandwich bags full and even cooked a pot of beans with tomatoes and onions to eat over rice. It’s always a delicious meal!

We praise God for the fertile soil on this property!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Today, Mama and I took a short walk down to the Administrative Building. The first phase of finishes has begun. The electricians were working! The plumbers were on site today to start work. The construction team has begun to plaster the outside of the building, and they are also working on the verandah around the building. The verandah forms a perimeter along the base of the building and helps prevent erosion from the heavy rains of the two rainy seasons.

We have been blessed with support from our 2024 EOY Building campaign and especially from our monthly building partners. Glory to God!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Mama bought Valentine’s Day heart candies (sweeties) to give as treats. In Bible study today, children who came with their files received a sweetie! The children keep papers in their files from Bible study lessons. With a large donation of kid-sized T-shirts, all children received a new shirt for their Bible study “uniform”. I reviewed questions from previous lessons. I prepared a few questions for today’s lesson. Each child then received a clean sheet of paper to write each question along with the scripture. Everyone read the scripture aloud in unison. Then they answered the question and drew a picture to represent the answer. We ended with chapati and soda/juice for the 38 kids.