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DLM Newsletter September 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024

I held community Bible study today at Dora’s house, but with Arnold not being here to translate, it’s a bit more difficult. However, Mama Dora read the verses from her Luganda Bible after we all read the verses in English using their Bibles DLM purchased for them! Praise be to God!!! We are continuing to learn about Moses and the 10 plagues in Egypt. God allowed Pharaoh’s heart to continue to be hardened so He could show His mighty power. The children shaded (colored) the Bible timeline before reading the Bible, and then we had a snack with a soda afterwards. I love having Bible study with these kids in our community, and I’m thankful the Lord gives me this opportunity. Glory to God Alone!

I held Bible study in the village at Mama Dora's house almost twice a week during this last holiday time. When children are on break between terms, it is called holiday time and lasts a few weeks. We continued reading in Exodus and finished up to the Lord's people making it across the Red Sea. I believe and know the Lord will use His Word for salvation and sanctification. May He be glorified during this time with the kids. They've never even heard the story about Moses, so it was all new to them. How blessed I am to be able to share His truth with them for the first time! God is so good and gracious!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Today, Brian and I took some of our secondary school boarding sponsor children back to school. Their school is about 3 hours from Kampala and 5 hours from the house. I drove from the house leaving at 6 am. I picked up two girls on the way because they don't live in Kabowa which is in Kampala. We reached Kabowa at 7:45 am. The other nine children met us with their parents, and Brian also met us there in their community. Then Brian drove the kids and me to the school. Due to the limited space in the van, we can only take the children; parents do not accompany their children. We reached the school at 11:30 am. The children unpacked their items and checked in with the teacher. Then, the children carried their items to their dormitory, where they left their mattresses and some other items over the holiday. After having some short individual conferences with the class teacher and each student, we left the school. Brian drove most of the way back to Kampala. When we had about an hour and a half remaining to reach my home, we stopped so Brian could take a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) back to his home in Kampala. I then drove the remaining time to reach home. I'm thankful for the safe journey, for Brian and his dedication to the ministry and the kids, and for the sponsors who give these kids a chance to study. Praise be to God!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Our Primary sponsor students at Jeholand Junior School began learning on Monday, September 9, 2024.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Our four Secondary sponsor students attending a day school in Kabowa began learning on Monday, September 16, 2024.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

My trip to the mall is always a must as this is the time I do my shopping before going to church with Mama Fab. After church, we held Bible study for the first time in a while with the kids in Kabowa. We took a break during their holiday time which allowed me time to have community Bible study in the village near my home. The previous weekend I was traveling with our secondary boarding kids who reported back to school for the final term of the year. I had planned to start reading Romans, but with only a short time remaining for this year and the level of difficulty of Romans :) haha, I decided we would read and study 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John to finish out the year. Many of the Bible study students are in Primary 7, so next year, they will be in secondary schools, God willing. These students will not be in Bible study anymore. I always thank God for Bible study time with the kids and pray for their salvation and sanctification.

I love my neighbors!

Almost every day around 5 pm, I go to Mama Dora's house to visit with them for about 30 minutes to an hour. I'll often help the children with their homework during this time if they have it that day. Sometimes I'll help do things like peeling cassava... I try to help! haha! I'll just hang out with the children and talk to them, as well as Mama Dora. She is 32 years old so not much older than me. She is a dear a sister to me. I'm blessed to have them as neighbors.

My weekly routine

-Saturday - Community Bible study with about 25-30 children from the village, which is held at my neighbor’s home

-Sunday - Trip to Kampala: Grocery shopping and enjoying a meal at the mall, 11:00 church service at my church, and Kabowa Bible study with the children at Jeholand Junior School after church

-Tuesday - Reading classes for a local government school

-Daily - Gardening, Helping Arnold with school work, Visiting the local children and assisting with homework, etc.

Construction Update

This month the tiling was completed for the shower rooms in the Visitors' Building and the two store rooms in the Kitchen/Cafeteria. These two buildings received two coats of primer paint but the final coat of paint will not be applied until all buildings are complete. It doesn't make sense to complete the final coat now and to then need a new coat later. The only phase remaining for these two buildings is the plumbing and electrical final touches, though we won't install the sinks at this time.

The foundation of the administration building for the DLM Primary Boarding School has begun. This building will include an office for me, an office for the headmaster, a conference room for teachers' meetings, and a nurse's station. We have set a goal to complete this building in 2025. We have a need of $78,000 to complete it.


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