DLM Newsletter September 2022
September 2, 2022
We took a journey to a nearby village to visit a sponsor kid and his jajja. His jajja's friend also came to visit. The ministry purchased sugar, bread, and a bar of washing soap for the kid and his jajja. She was extremely appreciative and thanked God for the ministry.
You are seeing evidence of the rainy season and a little glimpse of a town's market day.
September 3, 2022
Today was an exciting day to visit the DLM property! The power poles and power lines have reached the property! The latrine walls are cured, and the next phase of constructing the mat or slab over the actual pit begins tomorrow. The video shows the view from the location where the ministry home will be built!
September 4, 2022
We held Bible study with Primary 7 kids again today. We read Judges 4 and talked about Deborah. Looking at the many judges throughout the book, we continually are pointed to the redemption story and the true deliverer for eternity, Jesus! We also played the game called Heads Up 7 Up, sang a few hymns and other songs, and enjoyed a snack.
September 5, 2022
Brian sent us pictures showing the progress of the construction of the pit latrines. Glory to God alone!
September 7, 2022
We've enjoyed visiting the Jeholand Junior Academy a couple of times this week. The children are so adorable!
September 9, 2022
Today's update from the property.....the walls are going up on the teachers' latrines. Thank you, Brian, and your team! Glory to God!
September 10, 2022
Today at the land, we spent a couple hours positioning the exact corner marks of the DLM ministry home. As we were preparing to leave, a rain storm was coming in. In the coming few days, construction of the foundation for the ministry home will begin. I’m so thankful and blessed that God has given me this opportunity, alongside all of you, to be a part of His great plan! How gracious He is to let us be a part of His work. This project is estimated to cost $159,600. You can donate through Facebook Delight in the Lord Ministries, Inc. or through our website, if you also want to join in! Thank y’all!! Glory to God alone.
September 11, 2022
It's Sunday, and we held Bible study today with the Primary 7 children!
Some of the verses we read today included Matthew 25:31-33.
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left.” ESV
Today was Mama’s last Sunday here in Uganda before heading home this week. We’ve known some of these kids since Primary One. 6 years!
September 11, 2022
Praise the Lord! Two DLM supporters provided funds so we could get ProVector Flowers from Dr. Tom Kollars. These flowers are helping to reduce mosquitoes in the dorm rooms. They have been a great blessing for these children!
September 14, 2022
The foundation for the ministry home is looking great!
Teacher latrines are nearing the end of completion. Glory to God alone!!
September 15, 2022
There are many, many nurseries in Kampala and along the way to the DLM property. After Grama Lynn passed away in May, it was suggested that we plant a flower garden on the property in her memory, as she was just as excited as the rest of us to get this building project moving along! Today, we stopped at a nursery belonging to one of Brian’s friends. Mom and I were amazed to find azaleas (the same purple ones like in Grama’s yard), those sweet smelling gardenias, yellow lantana and rose bushes. Once the DLM ministry home is built, we will plant a small flower garden with roses, lantana, and a Pride of India plant. We will be planting a couple of gardenias and several azaleas on the compound, as well. We plan to line the driveway with small palm trees. There will also be ficus and fruit trees planted in the near future!